Live a Life of Zen

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Hi, please do checkout my Article as carried in Sunday, October 28th edition of Speaking Tree. You may lso visit to read it.

Hope you enjoy it! 🙂

Life coach BINA JHAVERI, tells you how to make each day feel like a blessing

Am I really living my life to its full potential? This is a question you need to ask yourself. It will prompt you to think. It will lead to inner curiosity, introspection, perhaps even confusion. But eventually, you will figure out what is it that adds meaning to your life. It will determine whether you live a life of Zen. Living in Zen means living “awake,” full of spirit and mindfulness. It means tapping into your natural way of being intelligently and consciously. It enables you to live in accordance with your life’s passions, explore your potential with more creativity and confidence, discover inspired communication and heightened leadership abilities. This way of life is so powerful that it makes every day feel like a blessing.

The purpose of living in Zen is to recognise our innate qualities – love, courage, strength and spaciousness in order to understand them on a deeper level. This enlightened state enables you to slowly release negative judgement of self and others so that you can live more freely and positively, allowing peacefulness to co-exist all around. But how do you do that? What is the formula for this blissful existence?

1. Listen to your inner voice and let it guide you: Only when we are able to be still and ask questions to our inner self, can we achieve oneness with our inner guide. This means staying open to possibilities and believing that everything is exactly the way it is meant to be. Let this wisdom guide you forward every day. But, first, you must learn to listen consciously.

2. Fix things in your life by trying not to fix: Sometimes what we require is silent support through a deeper sense of understanding and acceptance of things that happen in our lives. We don’t necessarily need to come up with a solution or quick fix right away. Deeper pondering and exploration of situations eventually lead to self-solutions. Things naturally work out as they are intended to. So learn to let go and live more freely.

3. Stay in the now and connect with yourself: Stay present with what is “alive” within you right now. Is it joy, love, excitement or anticipation? Being present with what your body, mind and spirit are telling you, means you are in congruence with them. This creates a radiant effect. Most perceived problems manifest because there is a disconnect with who you are. Learn to love and respect yourself as a whole person; don’t break yourself up into parts.

4. Be forgiving of others and of yourself; don’t beat yourself up: Discover more of your natural energies and inner resources. There are several ways to achieve this. Meditation and deep breathing, yoga, chanting and various therapies. Spending time alone regularly will also teach you to forgive yourself and others more easily. It’s only through forgiveness that we can accept. And only through acceptance can we do justice to the present moment. So begin living in fullness.

5. Try to support others in their life’s journey: Living in Zen also entails having higher responsibilities. At times, it means taking the higher road and being solid enough to get past petty hurdles and support others in their life’s journey. It also involves being there for others as they find their way back to themselves. Be patient and learn to allow others to grow in their own way and complete their own journey.

6. Allow your heart to lead you: Listening to your heart welcomes a relaxed way of being. It creates abundance and fullness all around you. Your true nature shines when you are happy and in turn, you notice and bring out the best in others. Let your heart lead your thoughts, ideas, conversations and positive beliefs. You will magically begin spreading love, bliss and a beautiful and contagious energy all around you.

Living in Zen allows you to be the master of your life. It allows you to grow, while creating support for others through a demonstration of peace, strength and courage. It is one of the most gracious ways to live your life. So make a conscious decision to begin taking little steps each day, week and month, towards yourself. And as you focus more inward, your journey outward will automatically become more confident, purposeful, enhanced and rewarding.

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