Fall into Abundance

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We’ve reached that magical time of year where the air is crisp, spiced coffees are in hand, thick sweaters are brought out from the back of our closet, and the leaves are beginning to change and fall. 

Once a year, the green color of the leaves disappears, and the yellow to orange colors become visible and give them a part of their fall splendor.  What you may not know is that they are changing back to their natural color, they are going back to who they are at their core

Isn’t that a lovely thought? Once a year resetting and going back to who we are at our core. Releasing all the negativity and creating room for a more abundant heart. This year, I think we should all take a moment to just F.A.L.L.

Forgive Yourself
It is time to forgive yourself. Step into a new tomorrow with an open heart and mind. 

Accept the Things You Cannot Change
The world is not black and white, so embrace its many shades of grey. Change the things you can, but know everything will be okay when you cannot. 

Listen and Learn
Listen to yourself and what you need. Take time to understand where you are and how you got there. Do not judge yourself too harshly. Learn from your past and move forward with that knowledge into your bright future.

An abundant heart is one that loves deeply and wholeheartedly. So learn to love yourself. Once you have, that love will shine brighter than any star and reach those who you may not know need it.

So as the fall season begins, let your personal fall begin too. Together we can Fall into Abundance.

With Love and Light,


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