Let’s Count Our Blessings

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It’s that time of the year when we gather with family and friends to be thankful for all our blessings. With so much change and a year of social distancing, it may seem more difficult to focus on gratitude.

Hardship has surrounded us in different ways and even separated us from the people we love and what we love – our craft.

That’s why community, support, and coming together (even virtually) is more crucial than ever before. Yes, this Thanksgiving may look different.  Because it is different. 

I want you to remember this: “No matter how tough things have been or get, you have the opportunity to move through it…”

You have persevered and come out on the other side, tougher.  That alone, is reason enough to be thankful.

Not quite sure where to start with Daily Gratitude? Here’s a list of simple ways to show and remind yourself of all the Greatness your life is filled with.

1. Being alive.
2. Getting the opportunity to shine in your craft.
3. Being surrounded by loved ones.
4. Daily opportunities to ask for support.
5. Having clients and customers to serve.
6. Making a difference through words, gestures, and service.
7. Influencing your own growth.
8. Choosing to surround yourself with love energy and magnetic spirit. 
9. Knowing YOU matter.
10. Moving through trials and tribulations with grace and resilience.

This Thanksgiving hold this close in your heart.  You are enough and you are tough.  This moment will influence gratitude into each new moment to come.

Now it’s your turn.  Add to the above list and share it with others as well.  Create a chain effect.

I want you to know that we at A to Zen are grateful for each one of you. That is why we have created the A to Zen Coaching Newsletter – to bring you joy, inspiration, and so much more, straight to your inbox.

I encourage you to be a part of our resilient community! Simply visit our site and scroll down the Homepage to: Be a Part of Our Inner Circle and enter your email id.

It’s our way of showing gratitude and helping create a large and positive impact on the world!

Sending you all love and light this Thanksgiving!

P.S. Want to contribute to the “Count Your Blessings” Movement? Drop a quick reply back to me with how you are thankful and show appreciation!

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