Let’s Connect!

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There’s never been a more apt time for Connection.  I’m talking about “real” not “reel” connection. 😊

One that naturally lends itself to opening authentic dialogue, getting to the heart of the matter, understanding one another while being able to explore the depths of yourself.

We may be far from the “normal” we were used to. Heck, even the word has permanently been redefined. 🤔

But it doesn’t have to mean we throw in the towel on genuine exchange – personally or professionally, with family or teams, clients or partners.  

2020 showed us just how much relationships matter.  Why we need them on a root level. And what devastation occurs when we miss out on them. 

We literally begin to wither away, emotionally and spiritually.

Connection is precious. It allows us to thrive naturally. And makes us feel alive and invigorated.  

The time has come to make up for what was deeply lost last year.   

That’s why I’m super excited to share a new and innovative way to cultivate instant connection (and bridge valuable time). Introducing Conscious Connect Cards.

That allow you to…

  • Enjoy fun, family nights with questions that spark engaging dialogue. 
  • Break ice with prospective leads or new clients in the moment.
  • Forge next level conversation at networking events and meetings.
  • Go deep and get to know your teams and employees on a human level.
  • Reflect, revive and pursue your own passions, vision and dreams.

These cards take the guesswork out of how to build real connections and enable you to do it authentically, with intention and meaning – keeping it light, fun and inviting.

I’m doing a Valentine’s Day Special  – because I’m all heart and extremely inspired by love, harmony, expression and meaningful tete-a-tete. ❤️

Starting at a mere $19.99, there are five distinct Conscious Connect Decks to choose from.  Better yet, get them ALL – they make THE perfect gift!

  1. Mindfulness (Awaken conscious thoughts gently)
  2. Think Tank (Enable powerful action)
  3. Wellness (Honor and nurture inner power)
  4. Thoughtfulness (Go beyond yourself)
  5. Joy (Make moments matter)

With everything we lost in 2020, human connection is at the top of the list. 

It not only disconnected us from a natural way of moving through the world, it instigated isolation, fear, business divide and personal confusion.

Don’t let another moment go by without feeling Connected!

Get your cards and find your way back to yourself while forging your ultimate relationships!

To purchase your very own Conscious Connect Cards or to learn about my mission around connection, please email me at [email protected].

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