Learning Will NOT Help You Level-Up!

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I know you’ve probably heard many people say learning is the key to success.

It’s what differentiates the best from the rest.

It’s what’s required to stand out.

And so, you naturally buy into that, especially being someone who’s on a path to break into the next level. I get that.

You buy the books,
listen to the podcasts,
attend the trainings,
and also indulge in some self-help from time to time.

Well, I’m dropping a truth bomb. Learning ISN’T going to help you level-up!

And if you’re honest with yourself, you know it’s true. The needle isn’t quite moving and you’re still not where you want to be.

Did you know most ambitious leaders live daily with imposter syndrome, doubting their ability to lead powerfully and create deep impact?

They continue being flustered, overwhelmed and impatiently struggle in connecting with their 2.0 version.

Let me tell you about a time my client said, “I just can’t tell why I’m UNABLE to level-up.”

She was stuck and couldn’t figure out what was going wrong. Her confidence was dipping as she began doubting her ability to achieve financial abundance without non-stop burn and grind.

And so I shared with her that, because most people look at learning as an “if and when” I get to it activity. It simply becomes a check mark on their to-do list.

It doesn’t serve their next-level self in any way. In fact, it keeps them in the same playing field as everyone else.

And that’s when our conversation got exciting: She had a breakthrough!
And then I went on to say: BUT!

The best of the best, the ones who stand out, MAKE learning an integral part of their life.

And they have a method to it.

  • They practice like an athlete training for the Olympics.
  • They measure how it’s helping them grow.
  • They are intentional about improving and don’t just learn to learn.
  • They schedule it into their day just like any other goal they have.
  • And they seek guidance from the best in the world.

That’s how they create a champions’ mindset and scale.

That’s how they become the Icon in their craft and live from deep inner power.

This changed everything for my client and she couldn’t stop thanking me!

Now it’s your turn.

Are you ready to start getting OBSESSED with your growth?!

Learn how to breakthrough to the next level in your career and life by making learning an integral part of your existence. Book a Conscious Connect Call with me and we’ll dive into where you currently are and where you want to go.

Here’s the link to my calendar: https://go.oncehub.com/atozencoaching

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