The REAL Challenge

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Business is only as hard as you make it out to be.

Recently, a friend of mine was expressing how overwhelmed she was with the daily challenges of living a full life plus running her business.

She almost ran out of breath as we were talking and was quite flustered.
You know, not having enough time, managing online schooling, handling sales and marketing, client acquisition + the hundreds of pending chores looming in the background.

She didn’t know when she would get a moment to just breathe.

And as we were talking, I began to notice her stress turn into a mini-meltdown.

And she couldn’t figure out where she was going wrong. She expressed:

  • I work so hard. ✔️
  • I’m super dedicated to my craft. ✔️
  • I ensure I’m there for my family. ✔️
  • I’m heavily relied upon. ✔️
  • I strive to show up as a great leader. ✔️
  • I should be feeling on top of the world. ❌

At that moment, she took a deep breath and paused. And I asked her, where do you go for support?

And she said, Support? What do you mean? I don’t have support, I’m the one who supports everyone around me.

And it became clear to her in that moment why she was in the predicament she was.

The Real Challenge in her life was a lack of self-support.

I told her, think of it this way:

It’s like NOT drinking water even though you are dehydrated.

It doesn’t make a lot of sense.

And it will eventually kill you.

That got her attention really quickly.

She could see how pushing one way was taking her further away from her values of living a fulfilled existence, creating more time for herself and honoring her personal well-being as a part of the success equation.

And you wanna know the kicker? She’s not the only one who’s running herself aground!

Heck, I’ve been there myself – for a long time!

I’ve met so many women who have this destructive routine of grinding themselves to the bone with no end in sight.


I’m on a serious mission to help other women go from chase to ease and fluster to flourish in a seamless way!

And to do that, I’ve created my BRAND NEW Program – THE ICONIC WOMAN!

It allows high-achieving women to learn how to enjoy the fruits of their hard work and honor self- care as a natural part of ambition.

Yes, that’s right. Learn.

Because it doesn’t just happen automatically. It takes us claiming our own worth, giving ourselves permission and prioritizing our personal needs as a natural way of life.

Now the exciting news is…

I’m accepting 12 women into this Sacred Space so it’s an intimate group and fuels like-minded energy!

Within The Iconic Woman Program, here’s all the support you get:

  • 6 High Touch 1:1 Monthly Coaching Sessions (personally with me – a game-changer in every way)
  • Weekly Strategy Alerts (ensuring you are powering through your goals)
  • A Beautiful Community of Women Leaders (achieve results faster through peer support and encouragement)
  • Weekly Accountability Check-In’s (Group Q&A Calls + Skills Growth)
  • Powerful Workbooks and Videos (enabling new habit formation and in the moment learning)
  • PLUS – Special Invites to Leadership Sprints, Lives, Swag and a whole lot more!

I would love to see YOU be one of these women who reclaims her worth, her life and fulfills all her desires in an eased, elevated and evolved way.

Doors are open to enroll. You also get an Action Incentive because I personally love rewarding action-takers!

If you’re saying, Hell ya! right now or jumping up with joy, click the link below and let’s chat over a virtual coffee.

It will be fun, inviting and zero-pressure.

Here’s the Link:

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