Word of the Day: Courage

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How many of you think of the word Courage in your day to day life? And if you do, how often? It’s a word that has the ability to be a part of everything we think, do, feel and share. But still, we go about our lives without giving Courage much thought….until something happens that stops us dead in our own tracks! It could be a life-altering decision a situation or even a tragedy that forces us to act out of Courage.

But what does this word really mean to you personally? It probably means something a little different to each one of us but yet, it’s got a common relatability within each of us that’s inherently shared.

For me, Courage means giving conscious thought to the way I live my life. And sometimes that means taking the tougher route and carving my own path and at other times, sticking true to what I know is right and taking the higher road. It also means that I possess the ability and confidence to say “no” to things and people so that I can erase unnecessary clutter from my life. It’s not always easy, but for me, it’s always a choice.

Courage for me also means the ability to see things differently, and get inspired by others and their points of view. It means being open minded enough to enhance my life journey every step of the way. There are many things surrounding us everyday that teach us life-lessons and help make us stronger, give us a bit more wisdom and freedom, but we often ignore these subtle God-sent messages.

But most importantly, courage to me means living my life on my own terms.  By being the best I can be everyday…in every role I play. As a daughter, a sister, a friend, a business woman. It’s believing in who I am unconditionally. This Courage grows inside me every single day as I continue to do more and more of what I desire and surround myself with people who love and support me and what I stand for.

I ask each of you to think about how you incorporate Courage into your daily lives. Who serves as your inspiration?  And what has taught you to become more Courageous?  Who are the heros in your life that you salute because they exemplify this “C” word.

Today is a great day to EMBRACE COURAGE and make it a part of your natural being…

Happy C Day!



This Post Has One Comment

  1. Dr. Matthew Isaac


    You are so right about “courage.” I love your blogs. Please keep them coming.

    Dr. Matthew Isaac, California

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