A Dash of Zen & a Slice of Spirit

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Most people may be wondering what exactly does the word Zen mean?   Whether you talk about philosophy, teachings, practices, coaching or even for that matter, a way of life…

Zenism, Zenology, Zendo are all just fancy ways of really saying the same thing: Zen is nothing more than the practice of our lives. And our lives are what we make of them, what shape we want to give them. Therefore, Zen practices take on whatever form our life takes on.

Even though that is so, it doesn’t mean we are always in tune or aware of them as such. That is why, through the practices of Zen, early on, people gave it recognizable characteristics such as chanting, bowing, holding our hands in a particular manner and so on. And as we enter these forms, we can recognize the practices because they take on a shape.

Now what is Spirit all about then? Spirit is Your very Essence.  You, at your purest-truest form or state of being. That is why you often hear things like, your spirit lingers, your spirit has scent, color, aura and so on. This very Spirit that we talk about makes us who we are at the core. Whether that means seeing intrinsic good in ourselves and others, your fighting spirit or even recognizing kindred spirit. No two Spirits can ever be the same.

As you can imagine…the combination of Zen and Spirit can create an incredible way of Life.  But it’s not as easy as it sounds. This magical recipe takes practice, time and patience to master. It means understanding your self at the core and proactively molding and carving your own way of life. Through thought.  Creation of your own beliefs. Learning and unlearning.  But once you understand this and how wonderfully potent its combination is, you will create a new definition for your way of Life.


Happy ZenSpi 🙂

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