You Know It, But You Aren’t Owning It

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There’s a part of you that knows you’re great.  And also capable of a lot more than what you’re currently being. You can feel it in parts of your day and even see your potential.
But here’s the thing: Knowing your greatness and owning it are two very different things.
When you just acknowledge the potential for your greatness, you’re actually playing small, robbing yourself of your full power, and leaving money on the table. That’s right. 

You’re not 100% owning your innate authenticity and grandness.
Just think about what would change if you did? If you were to put yourself out there, take risks, and show your vulnerabilities.  What would open up for you? And how would that make you a different kind of leader; one that’s playing all out and heart-centered.
Can you envision this path? You would actually be able to create a business you love AND clients that love you back ten-fold!
You would have your own Zen World. Even though it may seem scary, it’s definitely achievable.

As William Shakespeare said, “Be not afraid of greatness; some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them”.

2021 is just around the corner and this is the time to prep for a new year of completely new beginnings.
Click here to schedule a 45-minute Complimentary Laser-Focus Call with me. It will be game-changing and leave you with action steps towards creating your own utopia.

It’s time to stop knowing it and start OWNING IT.

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